

- 2560.1600; 1920.1200; 1680.1050; 1440.900; 1280.800; 1024.640
- 2560.1440; 1920.1080; 1600.900; 1366.768; 1280.720
- 1920.1400; 1600.1200; 1280.960; 1152.864; 1024.768
- 1280.1024
- iPad, iPhone/iPod Retina Display, iPhone/iPod Standard Display
- ZuneHD
- Android

hope you like it heh.


(Responsive, Full HD)
(This post contains only a selection of the set, the full set is in this zip file, in their original size.) Click Skip Ad at the top right to get to the download.

Credit Author: salmanarif

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